Missy Mittens

Elaina sent this fun update on Missy.
Hello Great Dane Rescue!
Yesterday March 14th was our Big Head’s aka Missy’s 1 year Gotcha Anniversary freedom ride home with me/us!
This girl is just a cuddle bug! She loves the couch mainly cause she gets to snuggle up the her nice man who rescued her aka her new Dad. I mean she lays full body on him lol
She turned 3 this past November and had a great day celebrating. She’s LOVING daycare now even though her and her hairy brother have to go to time outs once day there! Ha. The staff just adore her there. Our Vet office loves her and knows she has to have someone with her at all times due to her anxiety. Thank goodness our Vet office loves her and me!
Big head also passed her Canine Good Citizen class and test within this year.
She’s loving our continuing good manners classes on Sunday and her “fun-gility” classes in Mondays. She’s made lots of friends both humans and dogs this past even with being a covid 2020 rescue! Still working on her separation anxiety but u know good days bad days with that and like i mentioned before I’ve learned a few tricks to help with that. Missy absolutely loves her red jacket for cold days and gets sooo excited when she see me grab it. She’s playing with plush toys now a lot more. And I found out her likes for treats and our raw diet. Missy even gained weight this year she was 112lbs when she came home and is now a healthy 120lbs!!!
I love my sweet Big Headed girl and yes everyone calls her big head and she knows that nick name lol o geez she’s looks at u and comes to Big Head when called lol
Missy also got to be featured in a local rescue named SCAR south county animal rescues 2021 calendar I have attached that photo they used the pic with the flowers around her. And everyone just loved her at that photoshoot!
Anyways 1 year anniversary
Thank u again for picking me to be Mom and part of adopting from Great Dane Rescue
Elaina and Big Head aka Missy Mittens