Happy Homes
If you would like to share your Great Dane adoption experience and photos, please send them directly to
[email protected]

Mr. Sampson and LuLu
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May 9, 2021
We received this lovely update from someone who found a Dane directly. Not even one of our adoptions, but we still received this wonderful note!

Hello Karen,
I just wanted to give you an update that we adopted a one year old Great Dane from a family who was moving. We have had him for two months now and I just love this mini pony dog of mine. And he and his lab brother are inseparable. While we did not have an opportunity to adopt through your organization I benefited tremendously from the time and information you gave me in the interview process. Thank you for opening my eyes to the Great Dane world and I especially thank you for the water bottle tip as it worked very quickly in those early days when Rollo was testing my boundaries haha.
May 9, 2021
Another great new home providing update !
“Morning Karen,
I hope all is well with you and thought I would drop you a quick note.
We could not be more in love with our boys! Tucker continues to be the best dog there ever was, and I believe he has fully transitioned to realizing he is “home” with us.
Hagrid more silly goofy Dane than anyone could ever expect. He has been a challenge from time to time (as any pup can be) but has shown that if you address his needs and concerns he really is trying. He is NOT frightened of men. Since coming to us Hagrid has met at least a handful of kind, dog savvy men. He has been initially wary but warms up quickly. He is wary of strangers, which is reasonable for any dog. He is also not well socialized to being out in public which we are slowly working on. Tucker is helping to give Hagrid confidence in this area since Tucker is a bit of a social butterfly.
Lastly, Hagrid had his cherry eye surgery back at the beginning of March. He was not a fan of the follow up eye ointment but we got it done and his eye is much improved.”

May 3, 2021
We received this fun update on the beautiful Athena !
Hi Karen and Colleen,
I hope you are both well. I have been keeping up to date with all the adoption updates on the GDRNC website and so happy to see all these Great Danes going to great homes.
I have some fun news. Our beautiful Athena, who we adopted about 2 years ago, was entered into a contest for a company that does custom sketches of real dogs and then puts these sketches on merchandise that they have on their website. They had a couple of different Great Danes already, but no merles. I entered Athena’s picture into the contest and now they have an entire line of Athena the Merle Great Dane items. I wanted to send you both a few of these items as they are really cute and you are the reason we have her in our lives.
Attached is the photo I submitted and the sketch they did of her (they even put hearts in her eyes
Thanks so much,
May 3, 2021
This delightful pic from new adopter Heather is of Matilda on her way to her new home. Heather says:
In love already
Thank you, Karen.
May 1, 2021
We received this update on wonderful Thor and his new brothers:
Hi Karen,
Thor is doing really well and seems to be settling in nicely to his new home.
Also, we have been dog sitting for my brother, a dane mix and a boxer, as my brother has been in the hospital. It looks like we may be rehoming his two here with Thor – the three of them are getting along great!
Thanks again,
Tricia and Rich
April 23, 2021
Happy Birthday to Buddy, who just turned eight years young!
All thanks to Casey, who is a two time GDRNC adopter, for providing Buddy and incredible life and for sharing this great photo.
April 12, 2021
A cute update on recently adopted Brody:
Brody is doing really well. We took him in to the vet to establish care, and he had already gained 10 lbs! His muzzle and paws are doing much better, and he is now microchipped. Just like with our Sam, he is experiencing some anxiety when we leave, but we are already getting improvement with that as well. As you can see, he is not spoiled at all !
This is him on our home security camera.
April 12, 2021
We received this wonderful update on Riley, who lives and “works” with her family at
Barr Estate Winery (check out their Dane Head wine label 🙂
Our daughter took this photo of Riley yesterday in the budding vines. Thought you would enjoy seeing it.
She is the sweetest dog ! Thanks again for allowing us to adopt her. Hope everything is going well for you.
April 3, 2021
Happy Easter from the Ash Farm! Blake doesn’t look too happy.
Thank you Michael.

April 2, 2021
Another wonderful update on Piper:
Just sending you some pics and a video of Piper and Rocco. Tuesday was her first obedience lesson and Rocco’s fine tuning training . Piper is a very smart girl who is full of attitude and sass for sure. We have our hands full for sure but with lots of training, discipline and consistency I think we can get her dialed in. She is growing fast and probably getting close to 40lbs. Her and Rocco have bonded so well they love playing together all the time. I will continue to share photos and videos of her progress and growth.