The Story of Maggie – Final Chapter








Maggie Update (1/7/2015) – Another vet visit. Now weighs 120.6 lbs. up from 110lbs. on intake.   All looks good, eye still inflamed but healing and her ears still are bothering her, but the vet feels she was in such bad shape it will take time for everything to totally calm down. More ear and eye meds prescribed, but other than that, Maggie is good to go.  Officially adopted!

Thanks again to all who inquired about Maggie and showed their love!  All the staff at the Loomis Basin Vet Clinic marveled at Maggie’s improvement and Dr. Pete Vellutini, who did her surgeries, said he could not have asked for a better outcome.  Thanks to Dr. Vellutini for his great veterinary skills and caring manner!


Photos taken today at the Vets:image3
image2 (5)

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