Lily the Hot Dog
Lily’s owners, Steve and Kathy, recently moved to Arizona and sent us these great photos and the paragraph on how Lily is faring in the heat:
“These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago – Lily, our wonderful rescue Dane, surveying her new digs (but she wont go in the pool). She has demonstrated that she can, in fact, easily jump over the decorative adobe wall – that’s why there is a 4 1/2 foot split rail fence outside of the decorative back yard. She’s seven now, but just as aware of life as she always has been – a little grayer around the muzzle, but otherwise no sign of slowing down. She’s always enjoyed laying in the sun, but in the last couple of months of 110+ temps, she usually only does it for about 8-10 minutes and then comes back into the air conditioning. When we were first here, it was only a mere 90, she lasted a lot longer. I think we’re all looking forward to the plummeting to 75 degrees and below in the next month or so.”