Rest In Peace Sweet Kelly

Our sincere condolences to Margaret and Matt on the loss of their beloved girl Kelly. I remember this adoption and what a sweet girl Kelly was. She was a stray and we had no information on her, but her sterling temperament shown through. Here is what Margaret wrote to us about Kelly:
“Matt and I had to put down Kelly this morning. We adopted her from GDRNC in September of 2012 after she was found wandering a golf course.
She fought her cancer, pretending not to notice the growing inoperable growth on her shoulder. She looked like Igor from Frankenstein. Add that to the hip dysplasia and arthritis in her rear quarters she reached a point where she couldn’t walk comfortably. But she was still adamant about taking her walks, this morning included, even though they got slower and shorter.
Walks were mostly about smelling stuff and hopefully finding some stranger along the way to pet her, pretending she was neglected at home and had to solicit affection on the street. Same with dog parks, she never wanted to play with the other dogs, but she went from person to person to get pets. Everyone remarked how striking and beautiful she was.
Scourge of squirrels, raccoons and deer. A tough girl who became a sweeheart. She will be missed.
“If you’re lucky… A dog will come into your life, steal your heart and change everything!”