Our wonderful photography team, Doug and Peggy Peterson, just adopted a new girl! Her original owner contacted us to help them find Lola a new home, and Doug and Peggy offered to do foster care, which we now term a “foster fail”. Lola is now Lola Peterson. Doug and Peggy had lost two very senior Danes recently {Mr. Sampson and Lulu) and just could not deal with being Dane-less. Here is what Peggy wrote to us:
“Well, we feel like we hit the jackpot with Lola! She is practically perfect, and is really settling in now that it’s been a full week. We’ve taken her to the lake a few times, where she’s met people and other dogs, and while she started out barking, she ended up making friends. On a long neighborhood walk, she never barked at dogs or people. She loves riding in the car, has never had an accident in the house, and is generally sweet and gentle. Her skittishness has really dissipated and she’s more confident every day. We love watching a Great Dane with happy feet race through our yard! She was obviously well-loved and cared for by her first owners. There’s no way we would give her up! Thanks for asking us to foster her, it was perfect timing for us and she’s the perfect dog.”

Post Date
July 22, 2020