Bodie’s Story

Bodie’s owners, Gayle and Glen, wrote the narrative below to hopefully help other Dane owners who in the future go through a similar experience. We thank them for sticking it out and doing what needed to be done to keep Bodie with them in their home.
“Perhaps this story might help others. Our Bodie Boy has been a wonderful, loving Dane, who we adopted from GDRNC a year and a half ago, at one year of age. He loves playing with our grandchildren and is a master cuddler with anyone who will let him in their laps. But, with time, he had become overly protective… mostly with UPS vans. He thought he was doing his job. Then, one day, he actually bit a driver. This was unacceptable. We could not imagine having a dog that bites. But, we also could not imagine having Bodie taken from our family. We took action right away. We hired a dog trainer, one who came highly recommended. Bodie learned quickly. As a result, he has been transformed. It is remarkable. He is also a happier boy. Our trainer told us that it is stressful (and not healthy) for Bodie when he gets worked up in this protective mode. We will continue to work with Bodie to reinforce what we have learned with his training, to ensure he will never slip back. We now have the gift of this well mannered, remarkable Dane, who now also walks beautifully on a leash. We get to continue to experience the joy of this loving, fun, and very entertaining boy, for years to come. The bonus… our laps are never empty with our two lap dog Danes, Bodie and Stevie. It gets no better.
Training and effort sure paid off for Bodie, and definitely for us.”
- Stevie and Bodie