Tank Ready for Santa

Thanks to Jessica Robnett for sending this photo of her boy Tank. Besides the red bow, he borrowed Jess’s red lipstick and lined his lips to make himself even MORE attractive to Santa! He went the extra mile to impress.
Thanks to Jessica Robnett for sending this photo of her boy Tank. Besides the red bow, he borrowed Jess’s red lipstick and lined his lips to make himself even MORE attractive to Santa! He went the extra mile to impress.
Thanks to Annie for sending us this update on her girl Athena and the cute photos. Here is what Annie wrote:
“I am attaching two pictures of Athena enjoying the Christmas decorations. She has adjusted so well to our house and now knows it is her house too! She is so smart and funny and surprises us with something silly everyday. We could not ask for a better dog. She is also doing very well with our niece and nephew, who are 3 and are always so excited to see her. She is a happy, healthy, and confident companion.
She has taken up a habit of barking at new people, but seems to adjust relatively quickly once she is used to new people in her space. We are trying to help her with this. She goes to daycare during the week and we get reports that she is a joy to have and gets along with all the dogs. We are so happy and she continues to be more than we could have hoped for. Everyone in our family absolutely loves her. We wish you all a happy holidays and a wonderful new year!!”
Annie and Jesse
If you have adopted from us and have a cute Christmas photo of your Dane please send it in and we will post it on our website.
Also check our website for some sweet Christmas photos from past years.
Thanks to Katie and Mike for sending these great photos of their rescue girl Greta and her new brother Gus.
We are so happy to see Greta looking so healthy!
Our own Doug and Peggy Peterson sent this video of their 10 1/2 year old Dane boy Sampson getting a bath. As Mr. Sampson has great difficulty walking or even standing these days, they came up with this idea on how Sampson could be bathed. Worth a watch!
Cheryl, who lived in Paradise, recently had adopted a Great Dane from us named Sage. Karen Martin contacted Cheryl when she heard about the tragedy in Paradise, to find out that Cheryl had lost her home to the fire and was staying with friends.
Cheryl, ever the resilient teacher, sent us this note and wonderful photos of Sage with her new friends in their temporary housing.
Here is what Cheryl wrote:
“Thank you both for offering to take Sage if I needed it. It’s great to know I have that option, but I think it will be easier on the dogs if we can stay together (as long as it is in a reasonable setting).
I found out today that I still have a job. Now I just have to deal with FEMA and the insurance company and find long-term housing. Meanwhile we are staying with a very dog-friendly family, and both my dogs are adjusting remarkably well. In fact the family likes my dogs so much they are now considering getting a great dane of their own.
Sage has been amazing–not at all as skittish as the dog I was expecting. She has also gained some weight and is eating well. I’ve attached a few pics so you can see for yourselves. The first is Sage and Rowdy with their new friend Trooper after a long day of playing. The second is Sage with her new friend Juliet.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. The whole community here has pulled together in amazing ways, but we have a long way to go.”
Our thoughts are definitely with Cheryl and her Dane children during this really tough time. We can only imagine what she is going through.
Sage’s owner Cheryl, sent us this update on how Sage is doing in her new home:
“age is fitting in just great! Rowdy is so much happier and Sage seems happy too. I don’t think she is nearly as shy as described. She is responsive, playful and willing to explore. She is also fine with the cat (who runs the house)
Here are a few updates on Sage’s progress:
1) I took the Sage and Rowdy together for a short drive last night. Sage couldn’t wait to get into the car. Colleen had mentioned that one of her previous family’s complaints was that she wouldn’t get into the car. So far it hasn’t been a problem here, and the dogs were fine together.
2) When my daughter’s boyfriend came over, Sage was shy for about a minute before she ended up in his lap.
3) I did have to replace my TV remote. (Shame on me for leaving it out for a puppy to chew!) At least she didn’t swallow any of it, and I learned my lesson.
Thank you for allowing us to adopt this sweet dog.”
We got this adorable photo of Athena from her new owner Annie and had to post it. Thanks to Annie for adopting Athena! She obviously is happy!
“We are absolutely loving Athena and she makes a great addition to our family. We are so pleased she could find her forever home with us. I am including a picture of her being silly at doggie daycare with one of her smaller friends in the background.
Thanks for all your help!
Kathy Moraes, long time Dane owner and adopter from Rescue, sent us these photos of her big blue boy on his second birthday along with this narrative:
“He’s happy He is love
He is 2 today
As healthy as a family could hope for
… Benjamin he is full of spirit & light …. tranquil of heart…. playful pup …
Following Ma wherever I go… plays with Pop near everyday… loves the morning sun just like Sasha… standing where she always stood …
we love this boy of ours. He is our lives & loves reflection…
In 7 months how he has grown … blossomed like a giant sunflower…. his face ever facing the sun … a dog who loves life… loves being around children & people of all ages…. all animals … gentle patient & sound & balanced of nature & heart…
he was meant to share our heart and love….”
Kathy and Joe are the best. We feel lucky to have had them adopt from us over the years.