Category: “Happy Homes”

Tank’s Second Anniversary!

Tank’s Second Anniversary!

Thanks to the Robnett family for adopting Tank and actually KEEPING him! He has not been the easiest Dane in the world. (steals food off the counter, thinks being housebroken is a choice and more we can’t mention). But Jessica and the gang hung in there and now are celebrating Tank’s second year with them. Here is what Jessica wrote to us: “I busted out a brand new Monkey (his favorite toy) and a new rope chew. He isn’t sharing with Shiva, so I had to dig out something for her or she would get her feelings hurt!”

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Cash (formerly Monte)

Cash (formerly Monte)

Thanks to Jeff Carmack, a long time Dane adoptor, for taking Cash into his home. Lucky Cash! (The three Harlequin girls in the photo with Cash live downstairs and are walking buddies)

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Blake at Christmas

Blake at Christmas

Still travelling – here is a photo of Blake in Los Angeles for the holidays! That dog gets around!

Duke In His New Home

Duke In His New Home

Thanks to the Cole family for taking a chance on this big puppy who needed training!

Bruce In His New Home Relaxing

Bruce In His New Home Relaxing

Bruce’s new owners report he has settled in and is doing well with his new “sister” Daphne. Thanks to the Hill family for adopting this sweet boy.

Maggie (formerly Bree)

Maggie (formerly Bree)

Thank you Cindy, for sending us these relaxed photos of Maggie!



Brina’s owners, Andrew and Glen, sent us these sweet photos with the note below:

“It’s been 6 months since we brought Brina into our pack. At first I have to admit, I was wondering if it was going to work out. There were days she would pee in the house, opening doors trying to escape, skittish about certain things and then through patience and lots of love, we can say she is acclimated to our life. She and Harvey are two peas in a pod. I often wonder how we got along with just Harvey.
She loves the dog park, especially showing off her skills running. She also loves laying on her bed in front of the fireplace on a cold night. She loves sneaking into bed and keep it it warm for us.
There are still some things to work on, like her fear of water and pooping on the concrete right next to the grass. Alas we are patient and know it will all work out.
I guess the point of this email is to thank you for placing such a broken baby with so much potential in our loving home.”

Happy New Year!

Andrew and Glen Chadwell

This is a good narrative to read if you are considering adopting a rescued dog. Many people contact us wanting to adopt a “rescue”, but want that Dane to be totally trained, no issues, and fit seamlessly into their lives. They want to be able to say they adopted a “rescue”, but really don’t want to put in the work needed. Andrew and Glen, who previously had adopted Sabrina from us, knew the challenges but were up for the work it took to make their girl Brina the kind of dog they wanted (almost!). These are the kind of adopters we look for when placing a Dane in a new home. Are you up to the task??

Maggie’s First Christmas

Maggie’s First Christmas

Dorothy and Russ sent us Maggie’s (formerly Mariah) first Christmas photo since adoption.

Thank you Dorothy and Russ for adopting her!

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Tank and Santa

Tank and Santa

Thanks to the Robnett family for sending us Hanks’ official 2017 Santa photo!

Riley at Christmas

Tealy and Greg sent this cute photo of Riley with the note saying Riley seemed to like the bow around her neck. A few minutes later they emailed me again saying “bow off”. That lasted long….