Category: “Uncategorized”

Rufus and Zoey At It Again

ritawHere is another update from Rufus and Zoey’s new mom Rita:
“Here are my little love lumps!  I’ve discovered we have lots in common–throw pillows, dried flower arrangements and magazines.  But we like doing different things with them!  The pillows have become decorations for my yard (see photo attached)  I came home to find potpourri strewn about my house and a few pages torn out of a magazine on doing a cookie exchange.  Who knew my pets were so cultured?!”



Marco (shown here with May) is surpassing all of our expectations.  He’s such a gentle boy and loves everyone.  He even gives great hugs….so touching!!  He acts like he’s lived here for a long time already!  We are both totally in love with this guy.  The grandkids came over today (we had a house full) and Marco passed the test with flying colors.  He was sweet and gentle with all the kids and they are all in love with him too.  Marco and Mya are good friends and play as well as cuddle together.  We truly love this boy and are so grateful that you trusted us to have him become a member of our family.

The Story of Maggie – Final Chapter








Maggie Update (1/7/2015) – Another vet visit. Now weighs 120.6 lbs. up from 110lbs. on intake.   All looks good, eye still inflamed but healing and her ears still are bothering her, but the vet feels she was in such bad shape it will take time for everything to totally calm down. More ear and eye meds prescribed, but other than that, Maggie is good to go.  Officially adopted!

Thanks again to all who inquired about Maggie and showed their love!  All the staff at the Loomis Basin Vet Clinic marveled at Maggie’s improvement and Dr. Pete Vellutini, who did her surgeries, said he could not have asked for a better outcome.  Thanks to Dr. Vellutini for his great veterinary skills and caring manner!


Photos taken today at the Vets:image3
image2 (5)

Shawnee – Bad Dog!

baddogFirst off, thanks to Barbara Slobodian, Shawnee’s owner, for taking the time to teach her to type!  We definitely did not teach her that while in Rescue!   But we knew she was a smart girl, so we are not surprised…..  Cochise in the background, also a Rescue boy, looks on in disgust at his sister’s TOTAL  lack of control around dog beds.   He just does not understand why his people keep Shawnee?  He feels she should be sent away to deal with her addiction.  But Barbara, being the patient woman that she is, just keeps cleaning up after Shawnee.

Thanks to Barbara for having the financial means to be able to constantly buy new dog beds and the cleaning skills to be able to employ said cleaning skills after she buys the latest new dog bed.

Opie & Aunt Bea

What I can say is I thought I would never get a dog from (GDRNC) since I couldn’t travel and could not go to pick one up. Much to my surprise after I contacted GDRNC and Bob & Lynn, they were kind enough-towards the dog & then to me to bring her out to me.  Aunt Bea and my Opie hit it off right from the beginning & they have played daily ever since.  Just what I wanted & needed since I can’t run & play anymore & throwing Opie’s ball is virtually impossible for me. But with a rural setting & a yard close to 1 acre with lots of interesting things to do, Opie & Bea can run full out & play all daylong.  Our little Aunt Bea is a wonderful watchdog as well. All 3 of us are very happy.
You are wonderful!


ecollarecollar1We apologize to the nice Morrison family, John and Linda.  They adopted Kennedy and came to realize I was NOT exaggerating about his energy level.    A few days after taking him home, he ate the bandage off his injured tail.  Back he came to us awaiting emergency surgery.  Luckily he passed the bandage Squirt overnight in the ER.  We ended up amputating his tail while in the hospital and he is now back home with the Morrison’s with an Elizabethan collar on for THREE WEEKS!  Again, we thank this nice family for sticking with Kennedy and doing what they needed to do to see him through this drama.

Murray and Penelope

hellOur long-time adopter and supporter of Rescue, Rita Waterman, came to see one Great Dane and ended up taking home two.  (We warned her!)  Below is what Rita wrote a few days after the adoption.  We thought it was good reading and lets people know that every adoption requires some amount of work and settling in.  If you hang in there and don’t give up when the going gets rough, you end up being a parent to a wonderful Dane.   If Rita can do it, YOU can too!
“As you predicted, our lives have been drastically changed becoming the proud parents of two very lively pups. Can I just say that the first day was nothing short of hellish!  We have been accustomed to older, sedate dogs w/reasonably good manners. These adolescents  have a lot to learn.
The boy panted so heavily and so incessantly all day Sat. that we really thought he was sick. (In hindsight, it was terrible anxiety and we still think doggie Xanax could be a good thing.) He continued to whiz at even the slightest situation that disturbed him which makes it merciful that I have tile through most of the house. But both learned the doggie door quite easily. They have ravenous appetites and scour the countertops for anything edible but must be fed separately which is a whole procedure in itself (mostly because Zoey can open interior doors!)  Both are slobs when it comes to the water bowls and I can attest that slobber on tile is slippery!
Understandably, they both wanted to explore every nook and cranny of the yard and house while we carefully and wearily monitored their activities in 99 degree heat.  After nearly 10 hours of being constantly on guard that first day, we wondered (with no small amount of fatigue) what night would bring. Amazingly, our boy took to a small love seat in the bedroom which has always been a dog bed and the girl slept on the floor by the bed. Everything was blissful until Bill had to use the bathroom when bedlam ensued. We got rearranged and had a pretty good first night.
Incredibly, Sunday and Monday were markedly different. No pee inside, more contentment throughout the day (albeit with periods of rough-housing that has already destroyed a few items in my lovely interior.)  What’s more, we are seeing true personalities emerge … which is perplexing us re: naming.
The dainty precious has a willful streak and is a real tease to her brother who while a block head is actually more obedient. She is very vigilant about noise and where we are. This boy is sweet, lovable but a bit unruly. He hasn’t had any leash work but is eager to please. Both are insatiably curious at this age and put everything in their mouths–leaves, carpets, shoes, plastic bags–seriously, I mean everything!
We think Rufus is a good name for him and probably Zoey for her, but are still a bit undecided as we see them evolve.
Thanks for making this possible.  It is wonderful to once again have paw prints in my house and lots of wet kisses while I’m on the toilet (remember what I said about Zoey opening doors!) In any event, Bill and I want to express our appreciation for the good work you do at the rescue and especially for encouraging us.  While taking a pair has been (and will continue to be!) lots of work, we are absolutely in love w/them and they seem very happy with their lives.
Enjoy the photo attached. It isn’t up to Doug’s quality but it was one of the few quiet moments where we could snap a shot.  Feel free to post on the web site: we are very proud to be supporters of GDRNC.”

Life with Lexi (Rosie)

Life with Lexi (Rosie)

image (7)image (3)image (4)image (6)“Lexi” was adopted almost a year ago by Cassie Heffington.  Here is what she wrote to us recently about her life with Lexi:


“Just thought I would give you an update on Lexi (previously Rosie) that I adopted almost a year ago.  I can’t thankimage (2)image (5) you enough for letting me adopt her.  She is my best friend and constant companion.  Lex gets to come to work every day and goes almost everywhere with me.  All of our staff at the clinic adore her and she never wants for attention that’s for sure!  On the weekends we go hiking and on adventures, and  she is quite the outdoor enthusiast, never leaving my side on the trails and a few times getting me back without getting lost.  Recently, Lex decided to adopt a little emaciated kitten that I brought home to nurse back to health.  I say she decided because the kitten is hers – – not mine.  they sleep together, play together and the kitten loves her more than he loves me, LOL.  She has another little kitten friend who has no back legs too.  I can’t imagine my life without her.


Our own Lori Lynne and Eric’s “Priscilla”, whom they adopted through Rescue, is currently having some “technical difficulties” with her mobility.  In an effort to give her the best quality of life while she recovers, Lori Lynne and Eric  take Priscilla around their property in her own cart while they do their chores.  Never one to be left out of the mix, Priscilla graciously let her photo be taken so she can share with all of you the extent her loving parents will go to make her happy.  She is so lucky to be in their family.  silly

Shawnee & Cochise

Shawnee & Cochise
My sweetie Shawnee wanted me to write to you (gotta say the paws and keyboard thing are not a good match) to let you know how much fun she is having with ME!
Our personal dog park has made all the difference and if I do say so myself, we can put on quite the athletic display.  We can be quite impressive even without working on it too hard. AND I taught Shawnee to sit on Mom’s lap too, so she is now extra busy with that.  Hasn’t quite managed to get both of us on there yet, but I can imagine that being next.
Ah, it is spring — lovin’ the spring grass, the birds, the turkeys, the deer…so much action to supervise.  Shawnee is starting to behave herself a little.  She did get a sponge, but it miraculously reappeared in the courtyard a couple weeks later — though looking a little worse for wear.  Mom scooped it up before anything else could happen to it.  Meanwhile, we are just filling our days with lots of doggie stuff..
When Mom and Dad go away together these days, Shawnee has to go into a (can’t say the word out loud here, so am whispering) crate.  But she doesn’t seem to mind and gets a treat.  Boy, she is anxious to get out again. Hopefully that accompanies food too.
Well, gotta go as it is our time to play hard in our dog park.  Then we rush to the house and EAT!  Can life be better than that???
With love from Shawnee and Cochise!