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A Really Happy Home for Wyatt Bleu

A Really Happy Home for Wyatt Bleu

Wyatt Bleu was one  lucky Dane when he was adopted by the Moraes  family.  This great  couple  has had numerous Danes  from us and they never disappointed us with the love and care they gave to their new Dane.  He is one gorgeous boy but wasn’t quite so gorgeous prior to his adoption.  But then Kathy got ahold of him and that all changed with her and Joe’s loving ccare.

Enough lip?

A Huge Thank You To Our Donors!

We recently had two Danes (Zeus) and Bell) who rn up huge bills at the ER when we rushed theme in because they both caught three viruses from where??  Bell went to the ER i next and ]her bill was $12k, then Zeus followed, and his bill was ONLY $6k.  Both Danes recovered and found great new homes.


We mention this just to let our donors know that we would not have been able to save their lives without our amazing donors. Every dollar goes to help the Danes in our care, so THANK YOU all for making it possible for us to do this.

Beautiful Bruce Waits For Santa

Beautiful Bruce Waits For Santa

Thanks to Jackie Tom (Long time GDRNC friend and foster care provider for sending this christmas photo of her puppy Bruce.

A Sesame Street Fan!

A Sesame Street Fan!

Wonderful photo of Bodhi Cook enjoying one of his favorite television programs!  His older sister Stevie feels this program is so beneath her at her mature age!  But she loves her bro so she endures his program choices!  Thanks to the Cook family for always keeping us up to date on their dane kids  with cute photos!  On a different note, thanks to this family for being financial  supporters of Great Dane Rescue.  We SSO appreciate their faith in our organization.


Memorial for Missy Mittens

Elaina Hernandez is a long long time rescue dane owner and volunteer for our organization.  Here is what she wrote about her recent loss of her girl Missy:
On November 3 2023 we had to send Missy Mittens aka our Big Head over the Rainbow Bridge. She had all her favorite people around her when she took her journey. Our Doggy Daycare Owner and Trainer who we call our Mama Wolf, her Auntie Maureen who would being her home from daycare since week 1 she came home to us. Her favorite cousin  Karista who she spent Saturdays on the couch with. And myself at our fabulous Vet Hospital Toro Park with Dr Rockwood.
March 14th the Saturday before SIP started Big Head (2 years old) had her freedom ride home to us. She came home to 2 hairless cats and a little brother Ricky the Pomsky.
Lucky for Big Head her Dad and I are essential workers for our local Emergency Department.  Big Head immediately started going to Daycare which after about 6 months  she started going alone and tolerating it well.  The first month this poor girl was climbing the walls trying to get out of there due to her Littermate Syndrone which includes or adds to her separation anxiety.
Big Head is the first Dane from Rescue that I have had to learn and work with her and our village to manage her anxiety.  From help with our Vet with medications to working with our trainer from the first week she came home. Her separation anxiety was SO bad that I have invested into an Impact Crate(amazing) for her and her safety. Her anxiety wouldn’t allow me leave with our other dog Ricky she would freak out hysterically.  The last 1.5 years kinda got better for us but she still had her bad days.
Big Head for sure taught me SO much now about Littermate Syndrone and Separation Anxiety
Big Head also was the FREINDLIEST Dane from Rescue I have ever owned. She had to say hello to people on our walks. She was great with kids and this was the first for us as well with our Dane rescues. So our neice and  nephews were so happy to be able to meet and enjoy her time when she visited them our her Nana’s house.(husband’s mom)
Even though we dealt with Big Head’s anxiety.  This Big girl the first year  home with us and all our  training she tested passed her
1.AKC Canine Good Citizen
2. AKC Community Canine
3. Urban Canine Good Citizen
 At age 4 she was diagnosed with Thyroid and Back disease. The last 6 months she had urine incontinence and back leg weakness. And a smile on her face til we said goodbye
Big Head will SO be missed BUT ways remembered
R.I.P Missy Mittens
November 11, 2017 – November 3rd, 2023

A Tribute To Zoey and Rufus

A Tribute To Zoey and Rufus

Hi Colleen,

 As promised, below is our tribute to our beautiful fur babies who were my sixth and seventh rescues from GDRNC:

September 19 was a fateful day for the Waterman/Berryman household: we said goodbye to our two beloved Great Danes. I had only recently and jubilantly announced Zoey’s tenth birthday on Facebook. Two days later, she was diagnosed with an aggressive bone cancer and given a prognosis of six weeks. She barely made it six days! Her fiercely independent spirit was matched only by her connection to Bill: she was a devoted daddy’s girl!  Our chowhound survived several surgeries/maladies and lived with an autoimmune disease while relishing her treats (and she knew the very word!) The pack was very important to Zoey and she monitored all of us very carefully.

Rufus, the goofus dog, had been on borrowed time due to a benign but inoperable tumor on his elbow which had grown to the size of a personal watermelon. However, that didn’t stop this boy we lovingly referred to as our “idiot savant” from living life large—at nearly 10 years old he still was fascinated with hunting lizards, continued to open dead bolts and locked doors throughout the house and forever displayed his FOMO (fear of missing out) about anything and everything happening around him.

Knowing our sad situation, Granite Bay Vet Clinic referred us to Constant Companion, an in-home euthanasia service offered by Dr. Jackie Conners. For many reasons, she endorsed our suggestion that they should be put down together. We adopted them on the same day from the Great Dane rescue of N. California over the ‘14 Labor Day weekend and it seemed fitting that they would pass together nine years later. Dr. Conners helped us give our precious pets this last, compassionate gift—peaceful at home, on their beds and in our arms.

We are beyond heartbroken–literally doubly so!  Grief is the price we pay for love–which we experienced in abundance for and from our canine kids. Hug your fur baby a little tighter: there’s ever enough time with those we love.

EUGENE – Private Adoption

Eugene is a four year old merle male.  Neutered and current on vaccinations.  Housebroken and sweet.  Pulls a bit on leash but not badly.  He need a new home because the other Dane male he lives with says two Dane males in the home is not his preference!  SO Eugene would like a home with a sweet female as a buddy.  Eugene lives in Perris,CA.  No children or cat experience.  If interested in Eugene please contact us at [email protected]

GEMMA in her new home!

Gemma, the  ten  year  old  merle  female we  had  on   our  site  found  a perfect  home  with Karen  and  her   brood  and these  photos  show  how  lucky  she  is.  A HUGE  thanks  to  Karen  and  her  family  for  being  one  in  a million  to  take  on  this  senior  girll!!  GEMMA  is  pictured  with  MOOSE  her  new   brother  who  rescued  from  our  group  when  he  was a  puppy.  Now  he  is  a BIG  boy  who   loves  his  new older   sister!!GEMMAjjoins

Matilda. Is. Great!

Matilda. Is. Great!

We absolutely love these sort of update emails. Thank you Heather !

Matilda. Is. Great!

She really does well with the kids and plays with Daisy like they were old pals. Although, Daisy is happy to let her know when she’s had enough. I do keep her somewhat away from the 1 yr old if possible if he’s just toddling around simply due to size (did the same with my previous Dane). Only 1 knockdown so far 🙂

Matilda is still a little shy around my husband initially. It seems like it’s worst when we are outside. She no longer barks at him in the house. She won’t let him bring his face to hers, but after a few moments she’s fine bringing her face up to his. This is a continued work in progress but it’s much better already.

She’s VERY in your face when eating…or just sitting for that matter…so we’re just working on our manners. Typical stuff

In the evenings we put the cat in the bathroom then allow Matilda into our room where she spends 10-15 minutes sniffing around. She then gets on the bed between us, happily laying on my husband, and calms down. Once calm, I put her in her crate in our bedroom where she sleeps soundly all night. I then let the cat out who free roams the bedroom all evening. No issues

My next goal is to move the crate out of the bedroom. I hope to accomplish this in the next 2 weeks or so. I have not yet crated her during the day while leaving, she’s been in the backyard with Daisy when I had to go somewhere, and we’ve had no issues.

She is definitely a leash puller (I know, you warned me!) so we’ll be working on that too.

She hasn’t tried to eat a thing off the counter (I mean, we do try to keep the counters clear of food for that reason) or chewed any toys, blankets or pillows. Not sure why they said she was a chewer…let’s hope I never find out!

I have an appt on Tuesday to check her for a microchip/have one placed if they can’t find it.

Matilda is a gem and we absolutely hit the doggie jackpot. Thank you so much for trusting her with us! I attached a few photos for you. She’s definitely part of the family now.

Piper Update

Piper Update

We are thrilled to hear puppy Piper is doing great!

Piper is doing well. We have been going to training weekly and she is so very smart. She definitely has a stubborn side but I think that’s a female dog thing. We are so glad we chose to keep her. It has all worked out. Rocco is so happy and so is piper ❤️Video: Piper plays in the water