Charlie (formerly Athena) in her new home
Charlie (formerly Athena) with her “brother” Baxter. Charlie was a 52 lb. puppy when adopted in November 2014, and now is up to 70 lb. Thank you to the Weber family for giving her a home.
Charlie (formerly Athena) with her “brother” Baxter. Charlie was a 52 lb. puppy when adopted in November 2014, and now is up to 70 lb. Thank you to the Weber family for giving her a home.
Lexie February 2014 when she first came into Rescue.Lexie today in her new, loving home!It may be hard to see in the “before” photo how skinny poor Lexie was. She came in weighing 71 lbs,. The shelter called us to say Lexie had been taken away from her owner for neglect when the neighbor reported her owner to Animal Control. The owner swore she Lexie three times a day but said she must be so thin because she is sick, and requested the Animal Control officers euthanize her to prevent her “suffering”. The shelter called us and we picked the skinny girl up. Dana and her family adopted her and as you can see by Lexie’s “after” photo, she is the picture of health. Thanks to Dana and her family for their loving care of Lexie. Here is what Dana wrote about Lexie:
“We are comign up on a year since Lexie (formerly Tasha) came into our family. I was looking at the photo that was originally on your site when she was up for adoption. As you may recall, she was 71 lbs. when animal control took her away from the other family. I am happy to report she is a healthy 100ish lbs now and all we did was feed and love her! She is THE best dog. Wonderful with my twin 8 year old boys and all their friends running crazy in the house. She loves the cats and is always perfectly behaved. I though you might like the update and also to see the side-by-side before/after photos. Thank you again for rescuing her. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.”
Thanks to the Gutzman family for adopting Solomon. So many great photos I could not decide which to use, so I used them all! Solomon is a lucky Great Dane.
Owner Ben Krantz sent these great photos of Charlie, whom he adopted from us a few years ago. Charlie is living the good life with Ben in Oakland!
Thanks to Mitch Geere and his family for adopting Zelda and obviously giving her a wonderful life! Lucky girl!
“Jackson” recently underwent an elective gastropexy (stomach tacking) and came out of the anesthesia only to develop “myopathy”. A very scary time for the Todd’s, but with love and good medical care Jackson pulled through. This photo shows the limitless love the Todd’s have for their Danes. Eric just wanted to be sure his boy was comfortable his first day home from the hospital! Happy to report Jackson is recovered and enjoying life again with his big sister Priscilla (another Rescue Dane).
Remember those two cute puppies we had up for adoption with their parents months ago? (one can still be seen running with a green ball in her mouth at the top of our website. Well, here are the latest photos of these cute sisters.
“Rachel” Blanton
“Penny” Wetmore
Just wanted to give you an update on Bella. She is doing AMAZING, and she is so much apart of the family it feels like she has been with us from day one. She is one the sweetest dogs that I have ever been around, with a human personality. Sometimes when she does things we just laugh because it different for us. In the morning I watch the news and she sits on the couch right next to me staring at the TV like she knows what is going on. She sleeps on her dog bed through the day but she has to sleep thespyexpert in my bed at night, and she makes sure she has a pillow, I couldn’t ask for a better dog. She has gained 10 pounds and looks healthy 🙂 I can’t thank you enough for her, she is simply the best. I adore her.
Gator is doing very well for such an insecure fellow. We have determined he is not a vicious dog, but mostly very scared of others. He is incredibly frightened of anything that looks like a hose. I have found a vet who understands this and doesn’t feel the need to immediately muzzle him. Our vet is about 5’4″ and Gator regularly touches noses with her. He does seem to favor women over men, so far he has added my husband, our son and a close male friend to his “male repertoire”. He has many more female friends. Makes you wonder what happened to him in his about it previous life. He is getting white in the muzzle and prefers sleeping by the heater, but when the spirit moves him he is quite rambunctious. We love him. Thanks again for finding him for us.