Happy Homes

Missy Update
Elaina Hernandez, a long time rescue Dane owner and friend to our group, sent us this message about her new girl Missy:
“So its been 7 months with Missy Mittens. This big headed girl of mine is still working through her separation anxiety when Ricky and I leave. But I have tricks up my sleeve that have helped. Like a car ride with one of her aunties while Ricky and I work on our advanced obedience classes.
Missy is now loving going to daycare with or with out Ricky her hairy brother. She’s. Blossomed and has her days to play with a her friends alone once a week. Advised by our trainer and its helped her anxiety a smidge!
Missy mittens just passed Canine Good Citizen prep class and test!. I’m a proud Momma!
Missy also enjoys patio outside dining these covid 2020 days. She does so well.
She’s awesome with my boyfriends family and the kids! The kids! They love her SO much. Its so fun to to watch them with her.
She’s loving her world here with us now!
She’s still learning and continuing our manners classes and fungility nights. She’s conquered the tunnel and the crawl but the tunnel is her favorite!
She’s super friendly with everyone I’m so not used to that but I’m learning to trust her and she is of me!
Here’s some pics
Hope all is well!
Again thank you for letting me be her new Momma!
Elaina and Missy Mittens

Paisley In Her New Home
Paisley was a private adoption from our site. Here is what her new owners wrote to us:
“Sorry this took so long to send but it is 2020. Just wanted to thank you for your help in finding Paisley. She has been a perfect match for our family. She was a bit over weight when she cam home but having another Great Dane to run and play with has put her back in shape. We cannot thank you enough. The cats may disagree though. She likes to try and cuddle with them. Talk to you soon. Ken, Connie Breck, Paisley & BailNHey. (3 female dogs in the same house. Yes it can be done.)”

Cutest Photos In The World!
Adorable photos of little Giovanni bonding with his protector/best friend “Wednesday”. Gio is being raised to love animals by parents Tony and Stephanie. Good job guys!

Stevie Still Loves Her Dad
Stevie just wishes her Dad Glenn was a bigger guy so she could totally curl up on his lap. Love those grey faces! Thanks to the Cook family for sharing their family photos!
Here is they wrote to us about their Danes: “Stevie is such a lover girl. Our two Danes are just incredible. They absolutely light up our lives. Bodie (their male gorgeous harlequin) is hands down the smartest dog we have ever had. And they both have wonderful, affectionate personalities. Thank you for the gift of Stevie and Bodie.”

Caldera (formerly Rosemary) Update
Terri and her husband Tim are long time Rescue Dane foster care people and Dane owners. Their most recent girl from us, Caldera, was diagnosed with some bone issues just after adoption. They did not return her (yay!) but rather worked with us to get her through this! Thank you Terri and Tim! Here is what Terri wrote to us about Caldera:
“It’s been a long time since I have updated you all on Caldera AKA Goober. She is overall doing great!
I am heartbroken to report that we lost our Golden Retriever girl Cedar last November, very suddenly, to hemangiosarcoma. We were devastated… still are. It has been hard on Goober, too, since she loved Cedar and she is such a dog’s dog. Goober has been an incredible blessing to us as we grieve Cedar. I can’t thank you enough for allowing her in our lives. She makes me laugh every day. She loves to squeak her rubber chicken (it is LOUD) and to race circles in the living room or through what’s left of the bushes. She is a total goof who likes to smoosh her nose on everything, earning her other common moniker, Smoosh. She has a lot of “oo” nicknames – Goober, Smooshy, Booger, Goose, Palooka, etc.
She’ll be 2 years old at the end of August. Hard to believe it. She’s already starting to grey a little around the chin and muzzle. She is still nervous, and has actually gotten more fearful since Cedar died, especially the last 4 months of stay-at-home. She garnered a lot of confidence from Cedar, more than we knew. Odd since Cedar was timid. We’re working on Goobs at home, but not able to do any real socialization in these crazy times. She has become sporadically fearful in the house – afraid of the BBQ, mostly when it sizzles, and the bathroom (probably because of bath time, which she loathes), and weirdly the minivan. We have no idea why the van, except maybe for cargo noise. She seems noise sensitive. The good news is she is finally showing some food motivation, so we can bribe her a little and try to make lots of good times on the deck. We also leave cookies for her to take off the edge of the tub, and she’s been responding well to that.
Her bowel issues firmed up after a while. I associate it with her heat – after her heat cycle she seemed to be more interested in eating and her overall health seemed to improve. Since she was spayed not terribly long after, it could be the spay that helped, or both. Whatever it was, she is 98# now and no longer painfully thin. She’s shiny and pretty and very popular when we can take her out, which we did a few times before CA shut down again.
Her bones and joints seem perfectly fine. She will get sore if she overdoes it, and she will overdo it when we take her to church to let her play in the Big Sprinklers. For a dog that hates baths, she LOVES to launch her body into the sprinkler jets, and chew the water, and race huge circles. It’s a total riot. Thank you, thank you for this lovely girl.”
Take care,
Terri, Tim & Goober

1980’s Throwback Photo
Photo taken in Idaho on a dog show circuit circa late ’80s. Luckily all the Danes got along!
Amazing Angie
Another update on a rescued Dane. We love the updates and this video is special! Enjoy!
“This is Marsha Hagler. It’s been a while since I’ve contacted you. You were kind enough to allow me to adopt my amazing Angie on 9-19-2014. I can’t possibly thank you enough, for bringing this amazing dog into my life! In celebration of our upcoming 6th anniversary next month, I thought I would send you an update.
I think I already told you that in January 2015, Angie passed her Canine Good Citizen Test. Well, she has continued to impress everyone she meets with her excellent manners, always being welcomed back to motels, campgrounds and outside cafes.
Angie is wonderful at keeping my property free of squirrels and lizards! She also excels at keeping my mule calm, by leading the way on mountain trails, when I go riding.
I’m sending you a link to a video on Google photos, that shows Angie on a tiny bit of our daily walk/run. It’s just a little over 1.5 minutes; I hope you can watch it. It’s best with the volume up.
Angie runs for the sheer joy of running!”
Forever thankful,
PS: I hope this works; I’m not very good with computers!

Chloe Update
We got this note and video from Chloe’s parents. We are glad Chloe is a “keeper”. The last Dane they adopted from us just did not work out, he was returned (and found a wonderful home) and they waited till a new Dane came in and scooped her up. Here is what Doug wrote to us about his girl:
“Hope all is going ok with you and at the rescue. I can’t believe it’s been a year! Chloes doing great, she ended up being the perfect pup. She and Logan are like to two peas in a pod and she tolerates my sisters 5 month old Aussie puppy with grace! Here’s a little video of year 1 with Chloe. Stay well! ”
Doug, Justin, Chloe, Logan

More Ellie Photos
As we are having trouble with our website, we could not post all the lovely photos of Ellie with her memorial.

Titan and Shawnee
What I would give to sleep that soundly….
Thanks to Barbara for always keeping us updated on her kids!